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Dr. Bruce Russell
Executive Director

Providing interim ministerial services and
crisis intervention for English-speaking churches
in the U.S. and around the world.


Bruce Russell has earned the right to teach and to be heard. His educational attainments, his varied career accomplishments, his long list of achievements in volunteer ministries, and his proven track record as a pastor who led a turn-around church from approaching demise to renewed vitality and stability enable him to speak with authority as he helps other leaders to maximize their potential. In his more than quarter-century ministry with First Christian Church of Roseburg, Oregon he has faced and faced down challenges that daunt less courageous and tenacious pastors. He enjoys the respect of his peers. He has much to share with others who love, but aren't always certain how to do, ministry. You will find him especially helpful on the subject of church-community relations.

Roy Lawson
International Consultant
CMF International


I have known Dr. Bruce Russell since his boyhood--over half a century. I have followed his development as a person through each of his years. His multiple-careers are legion--and some of his achievements legendary. Among them I mention but two: his tenacity on staying the course at his home church is beyond commendation. And his experience in crisis-intervention and counseling are incomparable. How his wife, Kay, has helped fuel his history (and survived it!) is worthy of A Love Story in itself. To have been their minister during their teen years--and then their lifelong mentor and friend has been one of life's greatest privileges and joy. Serve on!

Dr. James C. Smith, Retired
Past General Director, CMF International
Adjunct Professor, Hope International University
Lecturer, Vietnamese Theological College


I have known Bruce Russell for close to thirty-five years. I also knew his parents and know his three children. He has a rock-solid Christian heritage and has passed this down to his children who are citizens of which anyone would be proud.

I have great respect for the manner in which Bruce has conducted himself during his twenty five year career as senior minister of Roseburg First Christian Church. The church was in a deep financial crisis when he was first hired. Through his leadership and business skills we were able to work our way though the crisis and reestablish a vibrant congregation. Bruce has continued to learn and grow during his tenure by earning an additional Masters Degree in Church Growth and Leadership and a Doctor of Ministry Degree. His sermons are true to Scripture and highly engaging. He has a passion for those who do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior, as well as a kingdom perspective. I would not hesitate to recommend Bruce Russell for any ministry position.

Russell Hopkins
Chairman of the Elders
Roseburg First Christian Church


Bruce worked with the Pulpit committee in their quest to find a new pastor for Culver Christian Church. His cooperation and insight were vital in development of guidelines and base requirements for a new pastor. Along with the members of the Pulpit committee a number of prospects were evaluated. He recommended that only one prospect at a time be invited to Culver and worked with. In the end, these and other recommendations from Bruce provided substantive questions allowing some measure of confidence that the final pastor prospect was a legitimate candidate and finally called to Culver.

Sermons are Bruce's speciality. His presentation, substance, timeliness and delivery are superb. The audience is kept firmly on the subject and wishing that more time was available. Christ on the Cross is a major theme of many sermons. No one area of interest dominates and subject matter is varied except for the call for people to come to Christ and be baptized. Everyone here at Culver Christian Church has enjoyed all of Bruce's sermons with a wide range of emotions. Teaching from the pulpit is difficult but Bruce does it with ease and authority.

We all will miss him and Kay who are true servants of Jesus Christ.

Robert W. MacRostie
Elder and Trustee
Culver Christian Church


Bruce Russell has been an active volunteer in the fire service for over twenty-five years. His vast field experience as a member of national, state and local crisis teams is supported by his extensive formal and continuing education. He has moderated over ninety-five percent of our critical incident debriefings and provided crisis counseling for firefighters, police and members of our community. One firefighter has described him as "everybody's chaplain." We are indebted to him for his countless hours of service to our community.

Michael V. Hansen, Fire Chief

February 2013

Dr. Bruce Russell, through both his excellent, provocative sermons and wise guidance and counsel to the local eldership, gave First Christian Church of Hobbs, New Mexico, the stability needed while searching for a new minister. Bruce led our pulpit committee with prudent counsel and valuable insight. He guided us into thinking about the reality of our church's needs and our specific strengths and weaknesses, doing so with sensitivity and loving kindness.

When a question arose concerning the calling of a new pastor, Bruce handled a challenging situation with love and grace, guiding our committee with wisdom in making our final decisions. A delicate matter was resolved with thoughtful prayer and Christian love.

Our congregation gratefully acknowledges the leadership that Bruce and his wife, Kay, afforded our church. We are stronger because of their ministry.

Kay Hannum
Chairman of Pulpit Committee
First Christian Church, Hobbs, New Mexico


Bruce and Kay, it has been an extraordinary journey with you both here among us. We have been blessed far beyond words by your presence. We at First Christian Church will always be indebted to you for your labor of love here.

We so much appreciated your great sermons, your loving heart, and your deep friendship to us. It has also been a tremendous joy having Kay here as well. She is a remarkable, sweet, loving lady with an amazing attitude. You and she will be sorely missed.

I feel God sent you here at just the right time to help us in revitalizing and renewing this church, and in finding a new full-time minister. Thank you for a magnificent job well done.

Stuart Todd
Elder, First Christian Church
Hobbs, New Mexico


December 2020

I have known Bruce Russell for over 5 years, and heard his sermons almost weekly during that time. I have always been impressed with Bruce's knowledge of scripture and his presentation of the scriptures in his sermons. He is faithful in his presentation of the scriptures in context, and his ability to relate them to present day situations is excellent. He is easy to listen to, and although his jokes aren't as funny as mine, his humorous anecdotes add to the flavor of his messages. All of his sermons are challenging to the listeners' faith and behavior, and he leaves his audience wanting to hear more. When he is doing a sermon series, each message is excellent and leaves you looking forward to the next installation in the series. In addition to being our pastor for the past five plus years, he also did guest preaching for our church, when the regular pastor was absent. I can honestly say when the congregation heard Bruce was coming to preach, everyone looked forward to hearing his messages.

Gordon West
Coquille Community Christian Church
Coquille, Oregon


January 2021

As a friend, Bruce is faithful to live out his convictions and invite others to joy. He provides cheerful, pragmatic, and creative leadership based in Scriptural truths and modeled after the Lord Jesus. His work ethic, planning skills, and thoughtfulness are the fruit of a deeply caring, father's heart. While he is professional, and singularly educated, the genuineness and authenticity of his soul of faith in God provide a path toward health, truth, and renewal. Supported by his loving wife, Kay, Bruce is an able intercessor and leader for ministries in significant transition through time or trial.

Rev. Hans B. Kistner, Former Lead Pastor
Veronica Springs Church, Santa Barbara, Ca.

March 2022

Dr. Bruce Russell and his wife Kay are two very sincere Christians that exhibit the qualities of well matured servants of Christ. Our congregation has been blessed with them as an interim pastor team twice in the last decade. It was a blessing both times.

I believe it was much more difficult the second time. They came in when our relatively new (less than a year) beloved pastor passed away unexpectedly, leaving his wife and four boys at the young age of forty. A few months later we lost an elder who had attended our church since birth for over six decades. We were truly blessed by God to have Bruce return and with maturity in service and past experience. Bruce helped our church leadership navigate this difficult time.

Bruce is excellent in the pulpit as one would expect for his experience and education. Every week I hear positive comments regarding his message. Bruce handles topics that are sensitive and generally avoided with truth and grace. He also isn't afraid to challenge us to not only hear but be obedient to the Word.

What makes Bruce a “stand out,” is his attention to all the other details of shepherding a group. He has handled funerals, counseling, mentoring and is just plain easy to find with regular office hours and general availability. He was also a key component with our pastor search committee, in another successful process. I couldn't recommend anyone with more confidence of success than the Russell's.

Respectfully, Jack Jones
Culver Christian Church Search Team, Deacon
Retired Jefferson County Sheriff